We made it to Smygehuk
Hello everyhopa
We actually made it to Smugehuk just around midnigth. We have the absolutelly most incredibly back luck with the winds. From Norway down mostly southern. Crossing the southern baltic east. Turning north at Sandhammaren Northest. And now the forcast is that the remaining time we will get northern och northeastern wind. Heyho Heyho. What do you say to that.
Right now we are just passed Simrishamn 55.35.0N, 14.22.1E, motorsailing in weak winds doing a decent 7 knots. At least they have promised +20 knot winds for next nigth so that ought to get us someware.
This nights crossing of the southern baltic sea was easier than expected. Maybe we're getting used to it but the sea was not as rough and choppy as in Kattegatt, even thought there was a mix of swell and waves crossing each other, so we could actually take turns sleeping and feel quite strong. It was quite a nice feeling sitting along for hours in the dawn watching the ships passing Bornholm far away. Of course we had to go close hauled, tacking our way forward.
Yesterday afternoon was quite entertaining though.

Passing Malmö and the Turning Torso / The Bridge of Öresund

The owner of this boat has sold all he's got, checked himself out of the system. And will leave with his wife on an endless journey.

Falsterbonäs, Missed the bridge opening by 10 min, had to wait for 2 hours.
The Batlic Sea waiting for us with +10m/s and big swells (dyningar).

Close call. He actually made way for us, as we well would, sneaking up from the back like that.

Ah, these sunsets, and before you know it it's dawn again.
I guess there will be only allnighers from now on.
That means we have max 55 hours to go. If we can do 6 knots average we'll make it to Wednesday afternoon, that is 6 days. But we'll have to fight for it.
We actually made it to Smugehuk just around midnigth. We have the absolutelly most incredibly back luck with the winds. From Norway down mostly southern. Crossing the southern baltic east. Turning north at Sandhammaren Northest. And now the forcast is that the remaining time we will get northern och northeastern wind. Heyho Heyho. What do you say to that.
Right now we are just passed Simrishamn 55.35.0N, 14.22.1E, motorsailing in weak winds doing a decent 7 knots. At least they have promised +20 knot winds for next nigth so that ought to get us someware.
This nights crossing of the southern baltic sea was easier than expected. Maybe we're getting used to it but the sea was not as rough and choppy as in Kattegatt, even thought there was a mix of swell and waves crossing each other, so we could actually take turns sleeping and feel quite strong. It was quite a nice feeling sitting along for hours in the dawn watching the ships passing Bornholm far away. Of course we had to go close hauled, tacking our way forward.
Yesterday afternoon was quite entertaining though.

Passing Malmö and the Turning Torso / The Bridge of Öresund

The owner of this boat has sold all he's got, checked himself out of the system. And will leave with his wife on an endless journey.

Falsterbonäs, Missed the bridge opening by 10 min, had to wait for 2 hours.
The Batlic Sea waiting for us with +10m/s and big swells (dyningar).

Close call. He actually made way for us, as we well would, sneaking up from the back like that.

Ah, these sunsets, and before you know it it's dawn again.
I guess there will be only allnighers from now on.
That means we have max 55 hours to go. If we can do 6 knots average we'll make it to Wednesday afternoon, that is 6 days. But we'll have to fight for it.
Postat av: Rudi
THANKS ! for the nice pictures, they are GRATE !. Has Mats brought his new D80 ?? Or is it your coolpix?
I know why the winds are like they are. I bet you guys have given Neptunus much more USED BEER than good strong-drinks.
Regards to Mats and Calle if they do not read this.
I will be in Helsingborg tomorrow morning and drive all they way back to Stockholm tomorrow too. Somewhere I will be passing you. It would be grate to know where.