First day and no wind

So the first day is over. The deal in completed and we set of at 1400, heading south only to find no wind. After an hour of brave attempt to make it move anyway we started the engin (deep sight). Soon enuf though we got  3-5 m/s and before we knew it we were making some 10 knots, top speed around 11.5. However we had a bad start and decided to head on until quite late and still covered far less miles than we planned. We're in for long days of sailing if we shall make it back in time.

She sails beautifully though. We put up the screecher almost directly and kept it up until we stopped at about 2200. So yes, now it's very late and I'm off to bed. I already hear heavy snooring in the cabin.


Calle               Mats                Tomas

                              Are they really optimal                          A seal actually

Postat av: Anonym

Thanks for the grate pictures and the report. I WANT MORE ! Now the trip has started and I hope you will continue reporting so that we can follow you all the way. Do not forget to mention where you are so we can follow on a map. The wind you had was actually less than forcasted, when I listened.

The biggest "danger" seems to be the sun..I hope to take a trip with my slowboat in the weekend too.

Take care.


2008-05-30 @ 06:13:49
Postat av: Jørgen Klaveness

Nice seeing you yesterday. The short and long term weather reports say PRACTICALLY NO WIND on the West coast. South and east look better, so the sooner you manage to get yourselves round Falsterbo, the better.
Good Luck!

2008-05-30 @ 09:20:23
Postat av: Palle and Orna

Nice you got started. How do you write to your blog? Lots of SMS or mobile broadband? Your trip looks great. Enjoy!
Palle and Orna

2008-05-30 @ 09:37:22
Postat av: cla

We need you urgently, take Göta Kanal.

2008-05-30 @ 19:31:51
Postat av: Jørgen Klaveness

Om dere tar Göta Kanal, må dere regne med minimum 7 dager fra kyst til kyst. 8-9 er vanligere, og 6 er det absolutte minimum hvis dere har kjempeflaks med sluser og køer.

2008-05-30 @ 22:41:29

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